
Scope of Ministries

You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria (and in Empire Michigan, throughout our country and world ) … and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8b, CEB

This Scope of Ministry is to share with you the many times, places, and activiies of ministry and service within our church. As you read through these many activities consider where your own story of faith and ministry is seen or belongs.

Teaching and Equipping Believers for Effective Service and Ministry

The Church offers opportunities to equip and help people grow in personal discipleship and to be fruitful in service to others.

 Sunday School for Children and Adults

 Small group Bible studies meet on:

Thursday – 3:00 PM

 We provide household & personal products to the community to supplement the work of the Empire Food Pantry

Vital Church Initiative (VCI) Work-shops

 We Provide meeting areas for:

Alcoholics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous

 You Can Be a Member of our Compassionate Care group

Volunteering at Empire Area Food Pantry

Volunteering at Jubilee House, Traverse City

Direct Support for Ministries

Administrative tasks provided by church administrative assistant

Pastoral Care and Counseling for Weddings, Baptisms, and times of Grief

United Methodist Women’s Funeral Luncheons

Offer church facilities to outside organizations for freewill donation or nominal charge.

 UMW Christmas Luncheon

 Two Prayer Chains

Assistance For those needing transportation to appointments

Men’s Monthly prayer breakfast

Mission and Outreach – Reflecting God’s Love

The church reaches out to others through mission projects (local, national and global).


 Empire Area Food Pantry,

Women’s Resource Center – Traverse City

Jubilee House (homeless) – Traverse City

Pastor’s Discretionary Fund (funding for local families in crises)


 Our Ministry Shares

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry

Support of United Methodist Committee on Relief

 Church World Service Blanket Program

 CROP Walk for hunger

 Heifer Project

PET (Personal Energy Transportation) mobility project

Haiti Hot Lunch Program and Pillowcase Dresses for Haiti

Monthly Loud Offerings:

Viet Nam missionaries; Native American Ministries; Shoebox shipping; Northport Indian Mis-sion Church; Wesley Foundation at Ferris State; World Communion Sunday; One Great Hour of Sharing; Bishop’s Christmas Appeal; Salvation Army

Daily Ministry Support

Our church is a seven-day-a-week-congregation, providing support for all ministries in times of joy and crisis. Whether communications, preparing wor-ship tools, coordinating volunteer efforts, or tending to the daily details to equip ministry, our desire is to be supportive.

The office admin works: Mondays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM and is a link with pastor, church personnel, church members & public

Our Website is currently maintained by the pastor and a volunteer.

 We have a Facebook page: Church