Advent/Christmas Devotions for the Church Family
Attached is an Advent devotional that EUMC members created in 2005 and we’d like to share part of it again for this Christmas season. We re-printed the liturgy and prayers for each Sunday of Advent beginning Nov. 29, through Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We hope you find it inspirational.
The Tradition: Advent wreaths are circular, representing God’s infinite love, and are usually made of evergreen branches, which “represent the hope of eternal life brought by Jesus Christ”. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize hope, love, joy, and peace. … [Hope, Love and Peace are purple or royal blue, joy is pink; the Christ Candle in the center of the wreath is white]. Some traditions use a rose-colored candle on the Third Sunday of Advent to represent Mary’s Prayer (Luke 1:46b-55) and joy.
The EUMC Worship Team